Home Recovering from the Holidays

Recovering from the Holidays

This is the first post to my projects page in 2023. My output in December dramatically slowed down much to my chagrin. December and January have been months of recovery/consolidation. My practicing of Python, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS continue! I’ve fallen behind most of my projects but I’m endeavoring to keep improving as much as possible so I can resume these projects and others this year.

Most of my output can be found on Replit as I am finally reaching the end of 100 days of code! My time to complete the 100 days of code will be closer to 4 months but I thought I’d present some of the projects I’m proud of since the last time I updated. One thing I’d like to point out is that I endeavored to exceed the baseline challenges presented in Replit’s 100 Days of Code. Trying to push myself to find ways to improve beyond the bare minimum is very important to me.

Projects I’m Proud Of

  • Scraping Hacker News - This is a project built within Python/Flask that will scrape Hacker News using Beautiful Soup. By default it will scrape the first 20 pages for “ChatGPT” but can also search for arbitrary search terms. [demo]
  • News API + GPT API + Spotify API - This project attempts to combine three different APIs: News API, OpenAI’s API, and Spotify’s API. A user will select what news category they’d like, it will send them over to GPT3 for a five word summary, this summary is then used as a search query on the Spotify API. The results are served up within a simple webpage.
  • Popular Songs via Spotify API - A Python/Flask app that allows you to search by artist/year for the most popular songs. It will use the Spotify API to retrieve this information and display it on a webpage. Links are to Youtube Music simply because I don’t have Spotify premium myself. [demo]
  • Weather App - A Python/Flask app that uses OpenWeatherMap API to pull in weather info like current temp, expected high/low for tomorrow, as well as tomorrow’s time for sunset and sunrise displaying it on simple webpage UI. [demo]
  • Replit Chat - A simple chat app built using Python/Flask that uses Replit Authentication and Replit databases. You must have a Replit account to read/send messages. [demo]

As you can see, I’ve been focusing on a lot of apps built using Flask. Giving users the ability to easily access or try out my apps is very important to me. Using Flask also gives me an opportunity to practice using HTML/CSS as well.

What Else is Going On?

Currently my main focus is trying to gain as many programming/dev skills as possible while I search for a new job. I’m thirsty to put my new skills to the test and expand on them as quickly as possible. There is no faster way to do that than being thrown to the wolves.

It is my hope that I can return to learning from the fire hose and picking up as many new skills as possible as quickly as possible. It would be my goal to maintain the level of daily learning I’m currently at while also having an impact at whatever job happens to come my way.